Neural plasticity in neuropsychiatric and neurologic disorders

The principal investigator
Albert Giralt Torroella
Team leader (Associate Professor)
ORCID: 0000-0001-5334-0963
Twitter: @neurocientific
First of all, thank you for visiting our official webpage. Let me introduce myself. My name is Albert Giralt and I have a degree in Psychology (2005). Later, I started my PhD in Neurosciences (2006-2010) focused on the study of Huntingon's disease. I did my first postdoc about synaptic plasticity alterations in Huntington's disease (2010-2013) and my second postdoc was about synaptic plasticity and signalling in the hippocampus (2013-2017). I started my line of research as a team leader since March 2018. Currently I'm an Associae Professor in the University of Barcelona.
Our group is interested in three lines of research distributed in three different neurological diseases but sharing a common point, the study of the hippocampal function in basal and pathological conditions. The three lines of research are:
1. The characterization of new genetic risk factors in Alzheimer's disease and the study of new therapeutic strategies.
2. Characterization of the altered circuits in models of depression induced by chronic stress.
3. Study of neuroimmunological alterations in the context of schizophrenia by using translational approaches combining murine models and human samples.